Is he gay?

Ok so my fiancé and I have been together going on two years. I’ve had my doubts about his claim to being completely straight. One thing is the entire time we have been together he has to use sildenafil to get/maintain an erection and sometimes even the highest dose doesn’t work. He’s only 34 and the doctors never ran tests to find out why he has this problem.

He’s made jokes about how when he lived in San Francisco all the gay men loved him and hit on him all the time. He’s also made jokes about it’s only gay if you’re on the receiving end. And he’s said that you never know if you’re gay or not unless you try it when we were watching a show that mentioned about someone wondering if they were gay. And then last night we were watching South Park and the episode had two “straight” married men who were talking about it also and they masturbated in front of each other in a hot tub at a party and then later they told everyone at the party and everyone there was like “all men have done this” and my fiancé looks at me smiles really big and shakes his head strongly in agreement with the statement. So like he’s obviously sat and watched another man jack off before.

I feel like you should know whether you’re attracted to it or not before you even experiment. I have nothing against gay or bi people I just don’t want to be the woman who gets dumped in 10 years when he finds his perfect male soulmate and finally comes out of the closet and was only using me as a cover up and really only loved me like a good friend. If he is bi I mean I could make that work but if he’s gay I’m not marrying a gay person to be their cover up.

Thoughts? Do all men masturbate in front of each other getting off watching the other masturbating or is that a bi and gay thing?

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