Dad is moving away.


Sorry for the long post. I wasn't sure where to post this but just wanted to vent. Let me start by saying my Dad and i have never had a close relationship. He left when I was 3 weeks old and he lives 2 hours away. He never wanted kids and basically wanted my Mom to abort (I was a one night stand baby). When he did finally accept the fact that she was keeping me, he wanted me to be a boy. Well I came out a girl, and so that put even more of a kink into our relationship. When I would go visit him he would have my step-mom take care of me and be out in his garage the whole time.

Anyway, when I was old enough I stopped going to his house. He's a very opinionated, close minded person. He made me cry the day I got engaged to my husband, basically saying I should think long and hard because he wasnt good enough for me. (We've been together since we were 13). I went through a rebellious stage as a teen and he basically called me a freak. He didn't come to my wedding. He has missed many life events of mine and we barely talk.

Fast forward to the last year or so. We were finally starting to have a relationship. He has started to get along with my husband and they have things in common because my husband now works in construction. He told me how he was sorry for what he said about my husband in the past and hes a good guy, yada yada. He was even coming to visit us more and asking when we are going to give him a grandchild.

Well we got pregnant this year and told him on Thanksgiving. He seemed very happy and even cried. We told him at Christmas its a boy and he was even happier. I really thought maybe he was going to try and be a good Grandpa to our child and be in his life to makeup for his mistakes with me. Well tonight on Facebook I just saw that he posted a pamphlet of Tennessee and a caption about how sometimes plot shifts can be a positive thing and hes excited for this new chapter in his life. He has been posting statuses selling a bunch of stuff the last few weeks and how he met with a realtor the other day. He never once mentioned anything to me personally. So now I find out over FB hes moving 13 hours away from us right before his grandson is born.

I'm hurt and I'm pissed that he made it seem like hes been trying for the last year to mend our relationship just to do this, and without even telling me face to face or at least on the phone. Hes a coward. And he knows that he probably won't see his grandchild very often (I know he wont come visit us. He barely makes the 2 hr drive to see us as it is).

My heart just breaks for our son who wont know his grandfather. 😥 He is failing me once again...