Need advice & tips please


Okay so I'm pregnant with my 3rd baby and a lot sooner from my last baby then expected. My first born is 11 years old, he'll be 12 in April. My 2nd born is 10 months, he'll be a year in March and 18 months when baby #3 gets here. I'm a bit nervous on how I am gonna do all this.. I mean my first 2 are so far apart in age that it seems easy actually, but with my 2nd and 3rd they will be so close in age, but yet on different time schedules.. I know I won't get sleep ever again! Lol. Any Ladies have 2 so close in age? Do you have any tips or advice? I'm worried about when baby #3 gets here and babies having to eat every 2 hrs and they say sleep when your baby does, but that's not possible if you're also taking care of a 18 month old during the day as well. And for feeding times what do I do with my 18 month old while feeding baby, I don't want my 2nd to feel left out... I'm just full of all these worries... I know my husband will help when he's home, but he is gone all day working and my first born is a huge help and he's such a good big brother, but he'll be in school and it's not his job to have to help with babies anyways. Any advice is welcome. 😊