Contact with your boss outside of work

What do you guys think? I know every employer is different but I’m curious, do you think you should have outside work place contact with your boss? Such as talking about work related things during non work hours via text?

I work in a special ed classroom for my city’s school district and I’ve been having real problems with my boss (the teacher of the classroom)

I am far from perfect but I’ve tried to do my best to fix things on my behalf but she is a real piece of work and loves drama and plays favorites, and because I don’t kiss her a$$ like she wants everyone to, I’m hardly on her favorites list. She’s verbally attacked me like a child numerous times AT WORK, sometimes even in front of co workers and the kids. She is extremely unprofessional and immature. She cares more about being friends with the kids than actually being a teacher and she’s been under recent investigation for not doing her job correctly too. I’ve gone to administration multiple times and they always seem to side with me because of how noticeably upset I am each time. I’ve had enough.

We have a group text chat between us and our other co workers where we’ve communicated about things work related outside of work hours and I just don’t wish to be in contact with her outside of school anymore. I blocked her on Facebook and blocked her number. I truly feel anything that needs communicated with me outside of school can be done via our work emails or it can wait until work hours. Apparently she’s been calling me since last night after school and today (school is canceled because of weather) and because I blocked her I haven’t gotten she had one of our co workers text me asking me a question, which in my opinion could definitely wait until Monday. I also don’t believe she needs to be getting my co worker involved playing messenger. Im thinking it may kind of seem petty on my part, but the line of professionalism has got to be drawn somewhere right?!