Manic Paranoid Husband

So a few weeks ago my husband and I got into a fight and decided that we wanted to divorce. After a few hours we made up and called it off. Well this morning I was feeding the baby (2 months old) and he left for his class. He came back and said it was cancelled. He looked me dead in the eye and was like "you still want that divorce? Well now is as good as any time to do it!" I said no what is happening. He started going off on how I was cheating and how it doesnt take an hour to go to Walmart (I literally just walked around slow because I was getting a small break from the baby). He said "your work friends are sluts, so you must be too!" I was so confused. This came out of nowhere. A little background, we were getting divorced before because I said he was too manic and I thought he would lash out at the baby and that I was tired of him treating me the way he does. Not due to any kind of infidelity. Well I said back to him, "this is literally because we watched Breaking Bad last night and the wife started cheated on her husband AND your paranoid." Sorry if that's a spoiler for you for the show lol. And he said "well yeah maybe but I saw one of your past coworkers while I was out and he gave me the guilty look as if you've both been doing something bad!" I havent seen this coworker since like last October. He then left to go do research at the college. Any advice for manic, paranoid husbands?