Egg Retrieval Update - So Far So Good!!!



I had my egg retrieval on Thursday. I got 32 eggs & 22 Fertilized! We will get an update on Sunday to let us know how they are doing! I’m thrilled so far!! 🤗 Then, we are sending the ones that make it off to PGS!🙏🏻

I would love to hear from other people on their retrieval’s & results!

They now have me taking injections of Lovenox & baby aspirin b/c my estrogen is too high & I’m high risk for OHSS. I’m so sore, but the thought of holding our baby in my arms makes it all so worth it! Fingers crossed & prayers that everything keeps going great for us!! And prayers to all of you!! 🙏🏻

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Posted at
Wow that's wonderful! I've had to do 3 retrievals, ranging from 8-14 eggs each time and only got 1 PGS normal after all of it. (I've had 7 natural losses most likely due to chromosomal abnormalities) I'm 24 weeks with him now! 💕 It only takes 1!!


Posted at
I had 32 mature eggs retrieved, we fertilized 20 and had 17 make it to blast stage. We had our FET January 2 and it worked! Good luck and baby dust to you!


Posted at
We had ER on the 17th got 28 eggs 18 of which were mature. 14 fertilized correctly and we have 11 frozen embabies. We just sent our samples for PGS and should hopefully get the results back in 3-5 business days. Plan is for a March FET but wanting to try to press for a February but I’m not sure that will work since I don’t have my meds yet.


Alexis • Feb 7, 2019
Not sure why my other post ^^^ didn’t tag you!


Alexis • Feb 6, 2019
My dr would be willing to transfer more than one if we insisted. Which I had my heart set on but we just found out that the clinic is still offering a program to us based on our consult date - if we agree to transfer only 1 day5 and it doesn’t take they will pay for our next FET cycle and then we could transfer up to 2. So we will only be doing 1 now and yes we know the gender. It wasn’t too hard to get that info out of him. He just said let me know what gender you want to transfer and he will find the best one. They are all rated pretty closely although one of the boys is already hatching so he’s going to take a look to see which one he wants to go with. How many did you send for testing? I hope you find out soon!


Maria • Feb 6, 2019
See above


Posted at
Congrats! That’s awesome.We had our ER in November. My FET is scheduled on 1/31. 27 eggs retrieved; 26 mature; 16 fertilized; 2 made it to Day 5 and 2 made it to day 6. 4 went to PGS testing. 3 came back normal.


Gi • Feb 6, 2019
Hey Maria!! Ahh so exciting! Keep me updated. The transfer was not painful at all! Super easy.


Maria • Feb 6, 2019
See above


Maria • Feb 6, 2019
I am doing PGS & waiting on those results! I am hoping for a 3/13 transfer! 🤞 I had to have a full bladder for the MOCK Transfer & I was so worried that I was going to pee on the doctor! It took all of my attention away. Is the transfer painful at all?


Posted at
I had my ER on 1/19 with 23 eggs retrieved. 18 were mature and 17 fertilized. 13 made it to blast stage and were sent to PGS testing. Aiming for a February transfer 🤞


Maria • Feb 2, 2019
Have you gotten your PGS results back yet?


Posted at
Congrats!!!! Sending you good vibes!!!!💞💞💞💞💞💞


Posted at
Such great news!!! Good luck!