Husband doesn’t wash his hair/take care of himself at all

So ivebeen married 7 months now. My husband always took care of himself before then, he took actual showers and washed his body, used deodorant all the time, washed his hair, got regular hair cuts, trimmed his face regularly, etc. but then we got married and now he doesn’t do anything ... it’s been 2 weeks since he last washed his hair (I had to do it for him bc he had previously went over a week without doing it and I was sick of looking at and smelling his greasy head. He used to get regular hair cuts and he would be so handsome. But he hasn’t gotten one since last June. So normally I wouldn’t have an issue with his hair long, but he DOESNT WASH IT. and it’s nasty. It’s greasy, all over his face, and it just looks and smells bad. I am 36 weeks pregnant and I can not be too close to him bc the smell is just awful. And if he doesn’t start looking after himself before this baby is here (which could be any time now bc im constantly having contractions and I’m 1cm dilated, 50% effaced) I’m literally not gonna let him touch the baby. He takes BATHS and doesn’t wash his body in them, just marinates in his dirt.

I seriously can’t do it anymore. I want my clean husband back. I tell him all the time please go wash your nasty hair, did you put on deodorant, when are you going to get a haircut, and HE JUST DOESNT DO IT.

how the hell do I get him to do something about it???? I can not deal with it.