Toddler Sleep Regression?


Hey ladies. My son will be 2 here in a few weeks. He is usually a good sleeper. Would sleep from 8 PM to about 7-9 AM without waking most nights since he was 10 months or so. He has been constantly battling cold after cold for about 2 months, but is finally better and not congested. I was thinking the colds were why he wasn’t sleeping well because he didn’t feel good or couldn’t breathe very well. Well it’s been probably 1-2 weeks since he’s been all the way better finally and it takes us a good hour to get him to sleep and he’s been waking up 3 times a night every night still. Idk what to do 😭 is there a sleep regression around age 2? We used to be able to just lay him down awake and leave the room and he’d fall asleep (we did sleep train). Now he won’t even lay down if I’m not in the room with him. I think he’s stalling trying to go to sleep too. He will flip his pillow, take his blankets off, ask for more blankets, throw his pillow down, want it back, etc for an hour every night. It’s really bringing me to my wits end 😂 should we try sleep training again? I’ll add that he will like scream cry like he’s hurt most of the time now if I leave the room while he’s awake. Is he afraid? Should we try a night light? We considered a night light but he’s always needed almost pitch black to fall asleep so I’m not really sure. Any advice is appreciated