

Okay, so, I call my parents, I text them and send pictures. My parents just sent me this text...

Like WTF it’s always something. Why can’t they just call me???????????? . Why the hell do I have to call them every single time unless they have a question. It’s getting really old. I have gone over this before with them. I might get busy with the kids , just give me a call. They think bc they are the parents I should always call. Seriously?!. I Just put my two kids to sleep, I am exhausted, my house is a mess and than I read this dumb text. Makes me never want to call them. For some reason they always aggravate me.

And if you and your mom are best friends you will not understand my vent. Sorry. And I know they won’t be here forever blah blah blah. Sorry. But I still feel like this today. And every other time this happens.

Am I wrong?