
I don’t know what to do and need some advice....

On Wednesday, 1/23, I took a First Response digital test because my period was due the day before and never arrived. I’m usually very regular so I thought, what the heck? My husband and I have been TTC since November. To my surprise, I got a positive. I immediately called my doctor and asked to get a blood test to confirm. They got me in a few hours later. My urine test in their office came back negative but she said they’d send my blood off because my urine could’ve been diluted. She called me that night and said my qualitative blood test came back negative. I was devastated and felt so silly because I had told my husband I thought I was pregnant.

Now on the morning of Saturday, 1/26, my period is 4 days late so I decided to take a Clear Blue Digital. I changed brands because the FR test I took a few days ago gets terrible reviews for giving false positives. But my Clear Blue this morning said PREGNANT. I used first morning urine just like I did with the FR test the other day.

What should I do? I’ve never been pregnant so this is all new and confusing to me. I don’t want to go get another blood test only for it to come back negative again and feel that heartbreak all over again.

I appreciate any advice. Thank you 🧡