Clayton James born 12/7/18 at 8:26pm via emergency c section
I was originally the 10th of December (they chose this date after giving me a range between December 4th and December 12th due to the fact I have irregular cycles). Well I was doing my best to work up till the day I went into labor even if that meant going into labor at work (would of been interesting as I’m a cake decorator lol). As 39 weeks rolled around I had decided to take my leave on his due date instead because I was starting to get really uncomfortable and get really crampy and I was almost to my due date anyways. I had told my baby boy if he was comming early to at least please do it on one of my days off (which happened to be Thursday the 6th and Friday the 7th) and when my ob dr was on call. I cleaned the house from top to bottom Thursday to make sure everything was set for his arrival next week and was going to finish it on friday. Well mr. Clayton had other plans for me that day 😂. At 5ish in the morning on December 7th I went pee 3 times within a 5 minute span ( which is not normal for me and I felt like I had to keep pooing) so the third time I went I ended up I’m guessing losing my mucus plug and I started bleeding. Now they told me at my last appointment the week before if I started bleeding to call and come in so I did. As we were on our way to the hospital my cramps started to get more intense and faster together (I still didn’t know I was in labor yet as I had been feeling crampy for the past 2 weeks and I’m a first time mom). We arrived at the hospital at around 5:30am (we live about 10 minutes away) and did the usual stuff for triage in labor and delivery and got all hooked up. The nurse did tell me I was starting to contract and started to get traces of protein in my urine but looked like we might be staying. My ob was on call when I went in (my son actually listened 😂❤️) and checked my cervix (so uncomfortable lol) and told me I was bleeding due to dialating (I was 1cm on that Monday that week) and I was now 3 cm and in active labor and I was staying. Now the contractions to where you can’t breathe didn’t start till we got into my room (I wanted to cry it was all front labor and felt like an intensifyed period). My water broke naturally at 7am that morning (so gross does not feel like your peeing yourself) and I told my fiancée I thought it broke so he went and grabbed a nurse who could tell it was by looking at it. I finally caved and got the epidural maybe 20 minutes after my water broke (didn’t originally want one but I wanted to cry and I’m glad I got it especially because of how my labor ended up being).i was dialating fast and kept being told my baby would be here by 4 pm the latest. I slept mostly through my labor I was tired been up since 5 am hadn’t eaten since 7pm the night before. At around 3pm my son slammed down into the birth canal more and I guess ended up hitting something and it stressed him out so his heart rate started to drop fast so all the nurses came rushing in to flip me over (that was difficult as they needed me to be in all fours but I couldn’t feel my whole body the epidural at that tone was affecting my arms to I couldn’t even push up) to put probes in his head to monitor him better. After that it got a little better but his heart rate still dipped a little bit on and off. 7:30pm rolls around the anesthesia guy comes in and introduces himself in case I need a c section and explains how it will go. My ob comes in checks to see I’m fully dialated (at around 3pm my dialation started to stall after I was around 8 cm) at last and we tried pushing. We pushed for 4 pushes when he said he felt my sons head was tilted up so he did an ultrasound to confirm than told me to push again to see if we could get his head to turn (it did a little) but my son was getting stressed out again so my ob left and got a paper for me to sign consent to c section he told me just in case. Well 5 minutes after signing he came in and told me we would be ending up in emergency c section because that’s the only way my baby was coming out safely and I was rolled down to the OR. Now because I had an epidural that just had to put the stronger numbing stuff through my iv (thank god It made it go more smoothly) and I ended up picking in the OR all over me my pillow and the floor (the anesthesia guy felt bad because I couldn’t really wash up lol) my fiancée thAn came in to sit bext to me and they started. It wasn’t that long (I did fall asleep for a few minutes as I was exhausted) and they took him out but he wasn’t crying or anything all i see is the high risk ob (he was on call to that night along with my OB) taking my son out of the room to where they clean him and do stuff if they need to like oxygen as what not. That’s when my son started crying and when the high risk dr came back he was making jokes to lighten the mood for me (he’s amazing everybody sees him after your initial ob appointment for future ultrasounds so I saw both him and my ob). They bring him back and hand him to my fiancée as I’m still on the table and we start to get me back on my hospital bed( felt like I was falling off and grabbed my obs back and he laughed and promised me he wouldn’t let me fall lol) they had taken out the epidural by this time to and wheeled me back to my room. That’s where they told me that my son came out not breathing because the cord had gotten wrapped around his neck. Actually made my dad cry (he was there my whole labor to with my fiancée but because we ended up in c section only my fiancée could be with me in the OR) because it reminded him of how my brother came out the same way all limp and blue with the cord around his neck. So he was definitely thankful that my ob is amazing and caught it before it was to late. I healed pretty fast and cannot than my ob enough for his amazing job I highly recommend him to anybody I know. Now I have a healthy almost 2 month old baby boy 👶

Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.