⭐️⭐️ HELP! At home gender tests/Ramzi gone unanswered


I’ve done the Chinese calendar, the baking soda, I’ve classified the gender by symptoms and did a few others and every single one said or pointed to girl.

I bought the Intelligender test from the pharmacy and it said boy. I have 3 sons already, so that wouldn’t surprise or upset me, it’s just odd that it’s the only thing that’s said boy. Has anyone done one of those and it be correct?

The only thing I haven’t done is the Ramzi theory but I have posted my sonogram twice in the “Ramzi” group on here and no one will answer any of the sonograms anymore that they’re not allowed in this group. If you click on my profile, you should be able to see it.

Can anyone help me out with that and also fill me in on any at home tests that did or did not work for you.