Coming out to my father


So, I am bisexual and I am a bit afraid of coming out to my father. My mother is a homophobic already so I can't say anything to her. Now for my father I have no idea.

I also have notice my father is fond of my poems so I made a coming out poem for him but I want advice because I am so afraid and scared to do it. Here it is:

Here is a message for you, my father

The one who shield me from danger

There is a secret I kept

That your just going to have to accept

Now don’t freak out just get

And don’t be upset

This is just my path

And I won’t care for wrath

I have discovered something about myself recently

It is a bit crazy

I have pondered over it for a while

But hid it behind a smile

There is no easy way to say this

And your reactions can cause it a hit or miss

This poem will reveal the hidden me

Which isn’t free

Some call me a sinner

But what’s more funner?

I stand by my voice

And I won’t change my choice

Let’s just say that I am as straight as my hair

Now that is in the air

I am only half of what I just said

Jewelry or tie, none are a threat

Yes, I like further than a guy

Which means girls qualify

The term is bisexual

Which may be unusual

Now I can explain a few things

It doesn’t matter which way I swing

I am still me

A girl who likes music and coffee

You have been there for so much

Don’t take it as mush

You can be my supporter

And we can do this together

I know the cons

But I like the pros

For I have already experience judgment

I felt the shame and had the argument

Also I am still single, so you got no one to scare

But be prepared

Though I am kidding, I need to know

Will your love get low?

This is who I am

This is my glam

It is my sexuality

I make no apologies

Love, your bisexual daughter

Sorry for such a long post but I just really need advice