I’m afraid I could be pregnant??

I had sexual intercourse multiple times and he did cum inside me once, I was on my period at the time and my ovulation was at a high. I have the birth control Implant but there’s a small chance I could still get pregnant even with it. It’s been a week and I just threw up last night, was fatigued, I’m constipated and had a bad headache. This morning I feel nauseated but don’t need to throw up, I’m still constipated and have to pee more often.

Should I take a pregnancy test now? Or should I wait to see if the symptoms go away?

My period is unpredictable because of my birth control type so I’m worried if I wait too long I won’t have to take the test to know.

My implant is also near the very end of its use im suppose to go get a new one in a few months. Could it stop working sooner?