Bfs lil bro crashes moms car..

So I’d like to rant. It’s gonna be a lot so please try to keep up.

I live upstairs with my boyfriend, his family lives downstairs. He has a 18 year old brother. Mom and step dad ( 18 year olds bio dad).

So, a few weeks ago I’d like to share, that lil bro was doing very bad drugs inside the house, he did/does it in a room that is connected to the backdoor so you have to walk through the kitchen open the door to this room and open the door to the back door. So on days you can smell the weed, other days it’s alcohol.

Now one day, my guess is... his friends gave him something new to try. One minute he was coherent and the next was just frozen, mouth wide open, drooling on himself not able to move, not even blinking. One day he was staring over the stove top with the flame on and his mom and my boyfriend walked in and stopped him.

So, instead of his parents stopping him, they set up cameras in the spot that he does these drugs in to try to find out what he his taking. One day, his mom left to go shopping, my boyfriend was at work, and I was obviously upstairs watching a movie. His mom comes upstairs with a look on her face i never saw before on her, panicked, scared. She’s Hispanic so she has a fairly dark complexion, but she was pale.

I said yes I would help her and put on some shoes and went downstairs, and she led me into lil bros room.. what I saw, I couldn’t even cope with. Mind you I’m pregnant (early stages) and she didn’t know at the time.

Okay, so I scanned his room with my eyes and stood at the door and saw that his room was trashed.. pill bottles, dirty dishes, broken stuff everywhere, tobacco everywhere. Then right in front of me was his hamper/dirty laundry basket, it’s one of those rectangular ones that are long height size,but narrow. And inside it was him, bloody, bleeding from his hand everywhere, pee in the hamper and all over his floor, throwup on his shirt and mouth. And he’s passed out. The smell was horrible.

She asked me to please help lift him up out of the hamper and into his bed because she can not do it herself and no one else is home. So I tell her yes, but in my head I’m saying“ no please leave him so when he wakes up he can see himself” so I help her out anyways and take one shoulder and try not to get blood, pee for vomit on me while moving him to his bed kid (weighs a ton). We finally move him and she wakes him up smacking him and getting a little mad but trying to keep her cool, I grab a rag ( I’ve trained for criminal justice for 3 years in highschool, so It was instinct to question him and apply first aid)

I sternly ask what happend to your hand and he pulled his hand back with a pained look on his face, so his mom grabbed his wrist while I checked his fingers and there was a cut there so I wiped it and we put a bandaid on it. Then he starts throwing up on his bed and all over himself again but the only thing his mom could do was Pat his shirt with a cloth.

Then her and I wash our hands and she tells me with a shaky voice “ I don’t know what this kid has been doing lately but I don’t like it” i tell her she should be thinking of calling the police or trying to get him to a rehab center and she states she can’t he’s 18 ( dropped out of highschool) now and he said no.

So this carries on for about another week and gets progressively worse. And then boom.

One night around 3-4 am there’s-a LOUD banging at the front door, it goes on for a good 35 mins, I know I wasn’t getting out of bed, and so finally you can hear the door open and people talking and then yelling and scrambling. We heard, the next day that that lil bro took his moms keys, took his friends for a ride her car, while on drugs and crashed it into another car (by the way THIS KID HAS NO PERMIT OR LICENSE TO DRIVE!).

Lil bro claims the other driver fed the scene, so he did too, and didn’t realize the license plate fell off the front end along with tons of parts of car, the head light, passenger side of the bumper ( don’t know how he pulled off to only get half the bumper off) the whole front was caved in. So as I was about the plate, an officer found it and tracked it back to the house and showed up to talk to whoever was driving. Found out it was the little bro, who had to license.

Also, the car dosnt have insurance(:

So his dad yelled at him and ending up selling his moms smashed in Lexus for a used car.

After that happend he hasn’t been doing much drugs, he has a court date set. But his dad told him he needed to pay for the car, he dosnt have a job and didn’t pay for the car obviously cause the dad bought his wife a new one

Now, what really gets me is that, they didn’t punish him as his parents, and he didn’t get arrested for driving without a license or for endangered the lives of other people (there were other kids in the car).

Here’s the cherry on the top of the cake!!!!!!!

To get upstairs there’s a little door in the kitchen. When people are in the kitchen we can hear everything they’re saying. It was only me upstairs and I hear lil bro talking about “ what about this car pop?” “ i could drive this one”

I’m like hold up?? WHAT!?!? And then his dad goes “ look I’ll show you one” and lil bro goes “ BENZ? MY FRIEND HAS A BENZ POP!” And they started talking about the price, and how it’s going to need to be fixed.

But after everything this kid has done... crashes a 201 6 Lexus. And dosnt get punished.. but gets a Mercedes Benz instead.

I just don’t understand. Someone, anyone? I understand he’s young and making mistakes and everyone is different so I’m not say anything like “ when I was his age I didn’t do drugs or crash cars” because everyone is raised in a different environment and differently.

But please if this is a new or old school way of parenting please explain how it teaches discipline and responsibility.

Sorry for it being so long and all over the place it’s coming from memory and I was never good at writing down stuff. But if you stuck around this far please comment what you think, why didn’t he get arrested with Illinois laws? What kind of drug does that to a person? What parent gives their kid Benz that’s crashes their moms Lexus?