Birth story/ Do you guys watch your birthing videos?


I watched mine for the 1st time yesterday. It’s was such a traumatic but beautiful experience I was putting it off. By choice I had no epidural.. my baby was 9.8lbs.. so she got stuck(shoulder dystocia ). After the head came out she was stuck.. I didn’t realize what a emergency it became until 2 years later and I’m pregnant with my now 3rd baby and my dr mentioned that if this baby is big again she recommends a csection... The Dr said shoulder dystocia is where the shoulders don’t deliver after the head, so they hold your legs back really far and pull on baby. But if that doesn’t work they have to break baby’s arm to maneuver him out and if that doesn’t work they push baby back up the birth canal and do an emergency c section which is usually fatal or high risk of birth defects. The whole reason I went without an epidural is to avoid a csection, or lower my chances. So anyway, I watched it and nurses/dr went into a panic almost and said we have to get baby out now! All of a sudden there’s a nurse literally on top off me pushing down on my stomach pretty hard, while my legs are being held back as far as they possibly can go while the dr is pulling on the baby, and I’m pushing for dear life.. Re-watching it scared me!!!! In the moment I didn’t realize all the panic.. my daughter was born with 2 lumps on her head that went away after about 2 weeks and popped blood vessels in her eyes that also went away. They want to induce a week early because they said baby is measuring big again and they expect him to weigh over 9 pounds.. at this point I hope he comes a tad earlier like at 38 weeks.. I plan to go without an epidural again.. so I need him to be as small as possible. Lol.