Does he want to have sex??

Okay, I didn’t know what else to title this other than what it is, because I already know the answer I guess. But y’all. Omg.

My boyfriend of four years and I were cuddling on the couch and all of a sudden he started like freaking out and kissing me all over and calling me sexy and beautiful and rubbing his hands up and down like everything. We don’t have sex based on our morals and boundaries we made when we were 16, and now we’re getting to the point where engagement might be somewhere near? We talk about t really often. But anyway, does he wanna... ya know, have sex when he does this? He was doing everything a man can do to a girl without touching any diamond spots 😂

Pls, no smart allec comments.

Update: I said “I’ll do anything you want but get on the couch” (I was wanting to sit somewhere else) and he said “so you’d have sex with me instead of sit on the couch😂” soooo did he accidentally let this slip, meaning he wants to have sex??