No baby shower.. PCS

So my husband is in the airforce and we JUST moved(PCSed) half way across the country from ALL family and friends on both sides(husbands and mine) (side note: We were about 2 hours away from my mom and 4 hours away from my family for 2 years at the other base so this is all new) and the doc said I'm barely allowed to drive or lift because of my health problems during the pregnancy. (Autoimmune blood clotting and lupus plus) Basically travel is officially off the table. I've bought/worked off a lot out of our pocket (used: crib, bottles, pumps, stroller, bassinet, mattress, swing, clothes, 2 car seats, 2 swaddle, 100 diapers, 3 binkies, and a tub) from people but now we are hitting a wall financially. (I can not just keep drawing from savings for the baby....right?) I had to quit my job because I see the doctors weekly (2-3 appointments a week) so no one will hire me obviously. So we will just go off his income. I wanted all this nice stuff so I had a whole registry ready and everything but since I am not having a baby shower, well, no one is going to buy from it. I just feel down. Any one else been in these shoes? Tell me what you did to cope and what you would suggest. Thanks ladies! I know I shouldn't complain I just need y'alls advice on how to manage.

*I definitely did not mind buying it all but I didnt grow up thinking I wouldn't get one so it's just a downer