
Kat • Keep growing♥️

Hi guys💕 im 5 weeks 5 days today and I experienced my first official bit of morning sickness this morning. Let’s just say chocolate milk does not come up well. Genuinely sorry if that made you sick. 😭

Anyway, I’m normally NOT a puker. I once went over ten years without throwing up just because I decided I was not going to allow myself to. 😭 Sounds crazy, right? True though. The only time I’ve thrown up over and over since I was a child was when I had a miscarriage this last November (2018) and the pain caused intense cyclical vomiting. I was in ER, it was horrible..

I’m SOOO BEYOND HAPPY and proud of my baby growing big and strong and my hcg levels rising and making me feel sick, but I absolutely HATE throwing up, I cannot stand it. Obviously, I don’t have much of a choice right now, but I’m struggling with a new problem...

How in the world do I get my head around eating food that I might just throw up?! I am hungry as hell and terrified to eat cuz I don’t want to throw up. I know that sounds ridiculous, but send helppp cuz I’m craving some damn chocolate milk 😭


I also want to send out a ton of love to all of the mommy’s in this group, to the ones with angel babies and the ones with babies they are carrying. I saw posts that a few mommas lost their babies and I am so, so sorry. I wish there was more that I could say to express my empathy for you. My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry you’re feeling this pain. You will hold your baby soon, don’t give up. Stay strong. ♥️