Am I in the wrong?

I feel so terrible like I gave up. But I couldn’t handle it anymore. I love him so much. My husband is a meth addict. He quit before we got together and I didn’t know anything about drugs when we did. So I thought he quit he’s done. But then he relapsed. And relapsed. And relapsed. And eventually he never quit using again. His did and him got so fucked up for a month straight that we couldn’t pay bills cause it screwed us out of money and I sold everything I had bought with my settlement check all my new furniture my new car. Now he’s using all the time. I left. And I packed my stuff. He always told me I can’t get clean with you putting me down. But he’s so mean to me. And it’s because of the drug. He gets super irritated really fast. If he don’t like what we are talking about he will scream at me to shut the fuck up. He called me the other morning screaming at me asking where I was. I’m at my friends house and he made me FaceTime him to prove I was. Should I have left him? I feel like it won’t get any better and it won’t change. I’ve been begging him to get help and go to rehab he says rehab doesn’t work and he ain’t doing it. He’s making me feel like shit for leaving him but I can’t handle the drugs I’m so paranoid that it was gonna somehow ended up in my system.