I think he’s going to leave me😔


My SO and I have been TTC for a little over this a month. This month is a full month of trying. He broke up with me roughly around Christmas and ended up getting back together. During my Ovulation days i had gotten a yeast infection from trying to use vaseline to keep the sex going instead of keeping me turned on and focused. I felt as though he was more so aiming for the baby instead of keeping me calm and focused so this thing flows correctly. I’ve never had infertility issues and neither has he.

When we started back talking before agreeing to get back together i told him it almost seemed like he only came back b|c, he wasn’t sure i was pregnant.

Today i called him and told him that I’m having really light bleeding but, it hasn’t stopped. Really bright red. Almost pink. My cervix is low and open. Somewhat firm. (I cleaned myself off and out before checking).

After the call he hasn’t said anything to me. He said he would call me back and I haven’t even received a text or a call saying that things will be ok and we’ll keep trying. Idk what I’m more hurt by...bleeding and being unsure if it will stop or the fact that he may actually leave again.

Has anyone spotted for a day or two and got a positive result? Have i spoken too soon? Should i have waited to tell him?