Working mom guilt before baby is here

Ellie • Lauren Rozella-Mae 3.11.19 💖

I live in Wisconsin and we're experiencing some of the worst winter weather in history right now and throughout this week with tons of snow, slippery roads and temps reaching -30 with the windchill... of course my employer stayed open today, even though nearly every school and lots of businesses (even local governments) are closed for the day. I was stressing about the drive to work last night thinking about what if I get stuck, spin out or get in an accident. I'm 33 weeks on Wednesday and decided to stay home cuz it's not worth taking the risk. Several of my coworkers have to stay home with their kids having a snow day today and my employer is always accommodating to them but with me it's like because my baby isn't physically in the world yet I'm not given the same courtesy. I feel like with being so far along in my pregnancy my situation is even more critical and my employer should be more than understanding of why I chose to stay home today. If I went in and something bad happened then it would've been why didn't you stay home? You're pregnant, you should have known better.. I feel like we can't win.