
so usually 1-2 days before AF shows my boobs start to hurt. i never spot in between cycles and usually get a very bad upset stomach 3 days before AF so i always know when she’s coming

this is our first month ttc after my miscarriage last month. i don’t track anything but my period

but i noticed this time i had quite a lot of discharge within the two weeks after ovulation

my boobs where very tender about a week an abit before predicted AF

at 11dpo i had a sharp twinge in my right ovary?

at 12dpo i had some pink spotting once. next wipe after a couple pees in between was a light brown and then nothing. followed by a night full of on and off right ovary twinges

now i’m 13dpo. my boobs aren’t as tender as they where for the last week. they do feel kind of hard? maybe full? and i have light on and off cramping but nothing like AF cramps. with a few twinges again in right ovary. i also feel kind of nauseated.

i thought the spotting would be AF slowly started but i even went as far as putting a tampon in to check to see if she was just slow started and there’s nothing even on the tampon except for some yellowish tinted stretchy discharge ??? i’m confused

my period is supposed to be due tomorrow

last month i had brown spotting at 12dpo and got a positive the next day but miscarried 2 days later so i have a fear that it’s happening again.