Would you get involved?

Kay ✨

Good idea or bad one?

Right now I am a doctoral student studying rehabilitation counseling. I have a masters in rehabilitation counseling and I am a licensed clinical counselor. I never dreamed of loving motherhood the way that I do. The feminist in me thought that I’d be a working and traveling mom... but I was totally wrong. I adore motherhood and I’ve questioned leaving my PhD program to stay at home full time with my baby, but I only have 1 year left. But I know now that I will never be a professor because I don’t feel that calling anymore like I used too. BUT lately I’ve been day dreaming about a business that embraces all things motherhood. So I thought I’d share it here:

My business name would be Momma:

It would offer pregnancy, newborn, postpartum, and breastfeeding photography.

With my counseling degree, I could run:

Breastfeeding support groups

Motherhood support groups

Pregnancy support groups

Pregnancy loss / infertility support groups

Teen pregnancy and parenting support groups

I would also host weekly “play dates” where mom and babies can come and play and just hang with other moms and babies.

I’d host monthly mom night outs - baby friendly of course. This would be a fun activity such as food tastings, crafts, movies.. so on.

LASTLY: I am a personal trainer and thought it could be cool to host baby friendly workout classes and pre-postpartum specific classes. My friend is a yoga instructor who specializes in pre and postnatal yoga so I’d hire her to run some yoga classes for me.

I’d offer discounts for baby donations. I’d like the business to have a “baby bank” room for moms in need with formula, diapers, baby food, warm clothes, blankets, and toys.

What are your thoughts? Wishful thinking or is this a vision that I could perhaps become a reality? Would YOU get involved with a business like this in your community?