Early first trimester spotting

Has anybody had early first trimester spotting and still had a normal pregnancy???? Help!

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Yes, I had bleeding with two of my healthy pregnancies. Please call and inform your doctor.


Danielle • Jan 29, 2019
My doc asked me to make an appointment this week and he had me go get a Rhogam injection since I’m Rh-. This is definitely scary and I’m trying so hard to remain calm and not stress too much. 😞


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I spotted once around 7 weeks. I wiped after using the bathroom and had a very small amount of red blood mixed in with mucus cm. I had my first ultrasound at 9 weeks and the baby was perfect and measuring ahead. Still talk to your OB about it.


Danielle • Jan 29, 2019
I have an appointment with my obgyn this coming Friday. I’ve heard lots of people say they’ve had normal pregnancies and healthy babes after bleeding, but it’s still terrifying!!


Posted at
Hi. Please update me on this. I got the same situation like yours. I dont know if its a bleeding or spotting cause, it does not required a pad, but when i wipe after peed, its usually have to go for 2-3 wipes.


Siti • Jan 31, 2019
I think im going to have mc soon too.. because they didnt find anything on both ultrasound.. & im having bleeding/spotting since yesterday.. and it doesnt decrease n stop either..


Danielle • Jan 31, 2019
I did end up having a miscarriage. The spotting continued to progress. I ended up in the ER because I had terrible lightheaded ness and dizziness that was causing me to blackout. They did blood work and found my hcg to only be at 200 even though I was nearly 6 weeks and couldn’t find anything on abdominal and transvaginal ultrasounds. 😞💔 I hope everything turns out ok for you 🤞🏻


Posted at
Whats the color, how heavy, and is it accompanied by cramps?


Emily • Jan 29, 2019
Anytime😊 spotting and mild cramps are usually normal symptoms. Aslong ad they don't get worse, it's not a big need for concern! Glad I could help!


Danielle • Jan 29, 2019
I have an appointment with my obgyn set for this week ☺️ Thank you!


Emily • Jan 29, 2019
I think you should be fine. Just drink more fluids and be sure not to lift anything heavy and try not to be on your feet too much! If it gets worse or if you want a sound peace of mind, see your obgyn🤞🏻