Dear Mom and Dad:

Thank you.

Thank you for giving me this life and bringing me into the world.

Dad, thank you for showing me how to be patient and how to see the good in any situation. Thank you for showing me all the qualities I DON’T want in my partner and some that I do so I may pick wiser than my mother did.

Mom, thank you for showing me that hard work pays off and to keep striving for my goals. Thank you for setting an example of what it takes to have a career and be a mom. Thank you for showing me how NOT to handle my frustration and how important communication is in a relationship even though it severely lacks in yours.

Thank you both for teaching me what I DON’T want in a relationship.

Thank you for teaching me how NOT to raise my children.

I will not be abusive,

I will not slam cupboards,

I will ask for help when I need it, calmly,

I will not dig my nails into my child’s arm,

I will not smack my child’s head with the back of the brush,

I will not expect my kids to clean up after my messes just because they partake of the dinner I prepared for them,

I will teach my children how to clean up after themselves when they make a mess,

I will show my kids how to take pride in what is theirs,

I will LISTEN when my partner has something to say,

I will SPEAK UP when someone is bothering me instead of pretending it isn’t there until I can’t pretend anymore.

There are so many things I will do differently and I thank you for showing me all the ways I don’t want to be.