Very upset friend

Back in November I had found out I was pregnant I told my best friend who seemed happy for me at the time, 5 - 6 weeks afterwards she found out that she was pregnant as well. This be our second child each and the first time we were both pregnant at the same time as well. Before my son was born I had four miscarriages so he's been my miracle baby. Anyways fast forward to the fact that we're now both pregnant with our second children she just found out a week ago that she had miscarried, she would have been about 4 weeks along. I have tried to be there for her emotionally and physically but she is wanted to be left alone, I have asked her every single day how she's doing and if there's anything she needs and every day she has replied with the fact that she's doing good. I took that as she was dealing with things much better than I expected. I even made a point to mention to her that I would hold off I'm making anything public until I knew that she was doing alright with it.

I am now going on 14 weeks pregnant and it is starting to become noticeable so I decided that it was time to make my pregnancy public on social media. The day after doing so I asked her if it upset her after she had made a post about keeping your happiness to yourself cause there are people who are not genuinely happy for you that seemed to be subliminally directed towards me. when she responded she was clearly upset and chewed me out saying that she thought I would have the decency to ask her about making my post seeming so she just went through miscarriage. This is not something I ever did to intentionally hurt her and now I am absolutely devastated that she will not speak to me cuz she is so angry with me. Now if the shoe was on the other foot I would be happy for her but grieving in my own way. I'm not sure if this is something that can be mended and I am worried out friendship may be over, I feel absolutely horrible for it. anyone that I have talked to you about it has said that she shouldn't have been so upset with me and that she should be understanding of the fact that I want to celebrate the fact that I'm pregnant again after so many losses. I'm hurt because I feel like she is taken away the excitement for my announcement but heartbroken over the fact that I hurt her so bad.