Update? I think...


So I posted a poll last week about when did your LO first get put on antibiotics. I thought my LO had a cold. Long story short I got some great feedback about letting my LO fight it, use a humidifier, keep the snot sucked out, use saline, allow him to rest. I did all those things over the weekend. But Sunday night things got worse. My mommy instinct was to call the pediatrician. He was a preemie and had lung problems at birth. I couldn’t help but think he had RSV. Well, turns out he does have RSV and an ear infection from all the mucus built up in his nasal cavity. We are on breathing treatments for the RSV and antibiotics for the ear infection. I was so upset. I thought I had failed my son because I didn’t keep him healthy. In my mind he’s too young to have all these extra things going into his little body. But as I sit here in the wee hours of the morning holding my son to monitor his breathing, I remind myself that I did keep him healthy. I noticed a problem and got him the help he needed. I got him help before it was bad enough that we had to be hospitalized. I’m praying this course of action is all he needs and we stay away from the hospital. I post this “update” to say, always go with that mommy instinct. It could save your child’s life!!