I’m Over School, Snow, and Sickness

I’m so over the cold. Like if it’s gonna be cold, it should snow. This rain then freezing ice on the roads is so stressful. Do we send him to school? Do we risk the icy roads on the mountain? Half the counties cancel, but our school can’t make a call to save itself.

I hated school. I’m glad I’m not in it anymore. But the stress of this madness. They call for the ice apocalypse and then nothing. They call for nothing, and we drown in ice and snow. Lord in Heaven, please make it warmer.

And sickness. This past week alone, I’ve had one puke. One with a nasty sinus infection and now another with a cough and snotty nose. Everywhere I go it feels like we are walking in germ soup.

Add the hormones, heartburn, constipation, and just general “I’m so over being pregnant” because I’m struggling to adult and mommy, I’m done. I crawled into bed when my youngest woke up with a sour stomach and feeling sick. He’s drowning in snot and cough. I guarantee I’ll be in the pediatricians office by Friday if it progresses. He just got over an ear infection. He gets head and ear infections all the time. I fear he may need tubes in his little ears.

We debated for nearly an hour about sending the child over the mountain. Today is supposed to the the warmest day of the week. 😑😑 And it won’t get anywhere near above freezing.

Okay. Suck it up. Take care of the sick baby. Get the laundry going. And try to get things going.