My best friends don’t care about my birthday


I go all out for them (2 girls) each year for their birthdays and for Christmas too. I send them big long messages and I get them presents. But on my birthday they just don’t care.

Neither of them came to my birthday party. They didn’t even say happy birthday until LATE in the afternoon - and it was in their cancellation message. Their “sorry I can’t come but happy birthday love youuu” BS message.

And today at school they didn’t even get me so much as a balloon, or a “hey how was the party?”

It’s not that I’m materialistic. This makes it sound like I am. But they go all out for EACH OTHER but not me? They get each other balloons and gift bags at school or they’ll post long public appreciation posts on Instagram or whatever the fuck, but nada for me.

I feel alienated in my own friend group. 😕