Read For Motivation


Hey your, you’re either on this app because you want to casually plan to conceive for your next child or you are desperate to see those two pink lines for the very.. first.. time. I get it, it’s so annoying seeing everyone around you get pregnant like nothing, even some who have plenty of kids that aren’t even taken care of or loved like we would love on our bundle of joy. We desperately dream of the day we can hold our own precious blessing while we wipe away our tears during the usual appearing AF. Annoyed of the words “your time will come”, “it will be okay”, “there’s always next month”, there’s still hope”... when it feels like you are incapable of ever truly getting your moment. And the worst of all, going crazy to get in a BD on just the right days, symptom spotting to the max, and creating a false hope that this might be our month... JK. Well, I’m here to push it all to the side.. pick your head up girl, your crown is falling. It may be hard but you want to be a mom & that will be harder, so get up & never give up. Your moment WILL INDEED come because you are worthy. You are meant to be a mommy & by the grace of God you WILL be in the year of 2019. Let’s DECLARE IT. WE GOT THIS. 🤩❤️😘😍🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️🙋🏼‍♀️