Stay at home mom problems

I have a 2yo. I stopped working when I was pregnant. Since then I have to hear my husband every once in a while to say that I don't do anything home. That I should find a job and be productive. I can't complain that I'm tired or be sad never ever or he will jump on me that he works his ass off for this family and I'm home all day doing nothing.

I take my daughter every day to different activities since she was 12 weeks old. I cook, do laundry (not his. Last year I told him bc he doesn't appreciate what I do. I will stop doing his). Clean the house, go food shopping, etc.

I love being with my daughter. I used to be a preschool teacher, so I've been teaching her since she could understand me.

Many times I say I go to the bathroom in the basement, but I just go to cry.

I don't wanna have sex him either. I don't feel appreciated or loved. I feel like he fakes it, so I can give him a BJ or whatever he can get, but once that's done is over. Back to the same.

Idk what to do.