Hidradenitis Supprativa?


Open forum. I have had this for 15 years. Seen several doctors and been on different medications etc. Im currently seeing a specialist for treatment if i have severe outbreaks under my arm or breasts. Just wanted to see some examples what lifestyle techniques have helped anyone else out there dealing with this besides diet, exercise and prescribed medications? Sex? For myself no underwire bras, no scented feminine hygiene products, tumeric and zinc, detoxing to name a few. Everything isn't for everyone and somethings may work for some and not others. Hidradenitis can be detrimental and i also believe the support from others have indeed helped me.

For those who are not aware of what this is: This condition features pea- to marble-sized lumps under the skin that can be painful and tend to enlarge and drain pus. They usually occur where skin rubs together, such as in the armpits, groin, and buttocks. This also requires a medical diagnosis.