I figured out what is wrong with me taking Enskyce!


I have been all awful mess for 9 months due to this pill. Mood swings, intensified headaches, weight gain, worsening acne, no sex drive etc.

I believe I have "estrogen sensitivity " all the pills I have taken( ortho tri cylen, junel fe and enskyce) were combo of estrogen and progesterone I was always miserable. I had the Mirena IUD from 9weeks pp in 2016 to may 2018 loved it never had issues , I switched because my husband was terrified of it migrating. The Mirena is only progesterone. My obsessive ass has researched for days and just figured this out. If you Google estrogen sensitivity a list of symptoms comes up and I experience 11 of the 15. I have an appointment with my lady bits dr on the 4th and I couldn't be more excited and happy to share this with her and switch to a progesterone only pill. 😊