Can I switch diapers with no receipt?


When I was pregnant I stocked up on pampers swaddlers, my sons poop literally seeps out the sides sometimes so we’ve been using huggies. Does anyone know if i can switch the pampers boxes for huggies at like Walmart/Fry’s/Target?

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Returns without reciept will generally give you store credit for the LOWEST selling price in the last 30, 60, or 90 days (depending on the store). So if those boxes went on sale for $3 at that store in that time, thats all youll get per box. Even,if the regular or current price is $20.


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As long as they are from there you should be able to! I returned 2 boxes of pampers for a different size at target. They were baby shower gifts with no receipt. They will give you store credit that you can use for a different brand though, not cash


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I’ve done it at target and Walmart with no receipt and was given store credit for them on a gift card.


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Walmart is fickle. Sometimes they’ll give you store credit and sometimes they’ll make you exchange for something in the baby department. Target has always taken diapers back no questions, and no mention of “lowest price in the last x amount of days.” If it’s a diaper they stock, that’s always where I would go. Their customer service is 1000% more pleasant than Walmart.


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Walmart will do it if that is where they came from. My kids use cloth and some well-meaning family members that didn't know bought me some diapers from Walmart. I was able to return them without a receipt. They just put the money on a Walmart gift card.


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With my first I got different ones from different stores n had no idea which one I got from where. I took them to target n got a gift card for them at customer service n went to the baby aisle n got the ones that I wanted. As long as the stores carries that size n brand it shouldn’t really matter which one u take it to