C-section - I need input


So. I'd like to have a vaginal birth. But I also want to prepare for the possibility of a c-section, if medically neccessary.

Thing is: There is a weird cult about "natural" births in my country and it drives me crazy. I just want to read some stuff, normal, balanced, reasonable, realistic. I am curious about everything, the process to the healing. And there is: nothing! (Except for "c-sections are bad and your baby is ruined". Yeah... thanks.)

All I want is to prepare mentally, just like you prepare for pain. It's not even rare here that women are traumatized because they wanted it "all natural" and then an emergency forced a change of plans. But no - THAT is considered "violence" by doctors. I call it medicine, but well...

Long story short: Would you share some experiences? Do you know articles to read, interviews or anything? How did you stay strong?

That would help me a lot, thanks in advance.