What is wrong? Tubal? Ectopic?


Hi. After my mc in October I finally got a positive pregnancy test on Jan 19.

went to the doctor an Jan 24 cause I was bleeding a little bit. She did an us bit could see just nothing in there and said it may be too early. Took my blood on Thursday and on Monday and today (Wednesday) i should come in to get told if levels were rising and to get a new ultrasound again.

Levels told I should be around 6 weeks but on the ultrasound she couldn‘t find anything again!!

Doc is worried that it might be a tubal pregnancy but she doesn’t know? I‘m so scared. I feel pregnant (boobs hurt sometimes nausea) and hcg seems ok. I don‘t know what to do now.. seems that my rainbow baby won‘t come. I can’t stop crying..

Has anyone ever experienced anything like that? How to know what’s going on inside of me when there’s is nothing to see??