Work Relationship Rant


So this post is not about me and a particular person at my work. It is a rant about my work in general.

For starters I live in central Wisconsin. Right now our temps are in the -20's to -30's. Windchills are -40's to -55. Our state is in a state of emergency.

I work for a printing company in the mailing department. The post office is closed due to the weather. Nothing is going out today from my work, and the still will not close!!! So I show up to work this morning after having trouble getting there. Drifting snow is really bad right now. In my department it is barely 60°, now keep in mind I am dressed appropriate for the weather (longunderwear, wool socks, warm boots, and several layers), I am FREEZING!!!!! IF THEY CAN'T KEEP THE BUILDING HEATED APPROPRIATELY THEY SHOULD CLOSE, ESPECIALLY IN A STATE OF EMERGENCY!!!!

I am 4w5d, I fuck it and went home. Just goes to show they don't care about their employees.