

This past Sunday night I ended up going to the ER with really bad contractions, hooked me up checked me up every once in a while because i was not opening at all. They ended up keeping me overnight they gave me a steroid shot in case they had to deliver the baby sooner I’m only 35 weeks (at the time I was 34) contractions kept coming but i wasn’t dilating at all.. they sent me home saying I had a UTI that was making have contractions. The nurse ended up calling me back the same night to go in for the second dose of the steroid shot. Came back home. And for the past 2 days my stomach is been super tight and just feels extra heavy and the baby hasn’t moved. He is a very active little boy and this past 2 days he hasn’t really moved. I have a regular DR app on Friday so they just told me to keep it and go from there. But I’m concerned that the baby is under stress 🤷🏻‍♀️😭