So My Guy Doesn’t Orgasm ??


I know most people are gonna look at this post and be like “Why the hell are you complaining? A guy who can go for hours and doesn’t cum? Where do I sign up?!?!” 😂 so therefore I’d like to start off by saying I’m in no way, shape, or form complaining. However, recently I’ve noticed that while we could have sex for hours, and hours, and hourssss on end, he rarely ever reaches his climax. In fact, we usually end up stopping because his penis is tired, not because he’s actually had an orgasm. I’m all about pleasing my man, and although I know that he’s being pleasured (and trust me, I know) I can’t help but feel bothered by the fact he doesn’t cum anymore. I guess I’m just wondering, what should I do or say? Should I say anything at all? Is there something I’m missing or not doing? Any advice is welcomed !!