Help with baby’s solid food



Baby is 5 months old. Since one month my dr told me to put a on tea spoon or half tea spoon of bananas from gerber stage one in her milk

Now dr said she is ready for solids so I feed her with a spoon

Can I give her 2 oz of solids with 3-4 oz of formula? Cuz she usally drinks 5-6 oz every 3-4 hours! And sleeps 10 full hours at night..

I would ask my dr but she don’t always answer my questions. Or is it too much.

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Posted at
I would have stopped listening to my doctor if they told me to put anything in her bottle 😬The amount of formula/breastmilk should stay the same. Food isnt supposed to replace bm/formula until after 1 year


🤙🏻 • Jan 30, 2019
Yes, and We always waited about 20-30 minutes.


ba • Jan 30, 2019
Oh ok so give her the regular 4-5 oz. Then after give her the baby food right or should I wait like an hour and then give her baby food


Posted at
My daughter is 5 months and at her 4 month appointment her dr told me to start solids when I felt like she was ready for them. In just a month and a half of starting solids, my daughter is on a very good routine with eating. She gets about 2oz of cereal with 1oz of fruit in it in the morning along with her usual 6oz bottle. She will take a 6oz bottle about every 3-4 hours. By 5:30 she wants dinner which is usually 2oz of vegetables and 1oz of fruit. By 9 she’s had her last 6oz bottle of the day and is in bed asleep. Most nights she sleeps from 9/9:30pm until about 8am however she hates taking naps and gets maybe 3 30-45 minute naps a day or goes to bed super early


ba • Jan 30, 2019
So you feed your baby three bottles a day ?


Posted at
Food isn’t a replacement for milk/formula at this point. We give our LO her normal bottle at dinner time the follow up with 2 oz of purée.


Posted at
I also am concerned about the advice you received from your doctor. Most major medical organizations don’t recommend giving solid foods until 6 months. One month is far too young, and food shouldn’t be added to a bottle. Starting at 6 months (and when baby has reached all readiness signs) food should be introduced after breast milk/formula feedings, not as a replacement. Breast milk or formula should be the primary source of nutrition until one year.


Natalie • Jan 30, 2019
Okay that is far less alarming. But I would still recommend waiting until 6 months. There is no benefit to starting earlier and it can cause long term problems. When you do feed solids, give a bottle first (the normal amount) then offer solids 30 minutes to an hour later.


ba • Jan 30, 2019
I meant to put one month ago or so at four months I did that but I just figured I would listen to my doctor so I don’t know. That’s why I was asking on here


Posted at
Banana is an odd thing to start with. Usually veggies are suggested so they don’t develop a sweet tooth and reject them later. But anyway I think the amount of milk stays the same.