Advice PLEASE!! Ftm


This is my baby boys neck. Last Wednesday the dr told us he had eczema. I went and bought Aquaphor and put it on him every 2 hrs “his whole body except face”. His legs, arms, and cheeks “used a moisturizer” all cleared up. Some parts of his tummy did as well. His neck though seems to be getting worse for some reason. Is it part of the eczema? Am I doing something wrong? I know he can’t have dairy so I don’t consume dairy or eggs. I eat very bland. He drools a lot, but I keep him dry as I can. I stopped putting bibs on him because I thought that was irritating him. I called the dr and she said to just keep applying it? But his neck was the only thing that was clear before now. I don’t take him to the dr till the 13th. Any advice if your little one was like this!!! 😩🙁