Baby won’t sleep, verge of mental breakdown


I need some serious help. I have done everything I can possibly think of from bedtime routines, night weening, Tylenol, Benadryl, and so much more. I have a 1 year old daughter who has not slept longer than 2 hours at night since she was 6 months old. I have not gotten a full night sleep that I can remember in all of this time as my husband is completely useless at night. Yes I have tried cry it out and all it results in is my daughter projectile vomiting on herself and her crib which I then have to clean and bathed her and wash her crib which results in just as little sleep as before. I am currently pregnant with number two (most definitely not planned) and am losing my sanity and have gotten to the point where I’m about to demand a sleep study from her pediatrician. If anyone has any advice or any information, maybe your child had a sleep disorder, anything would be much appreciated as I am at the point where I’m getting too angry at both my child and my husband.