Father issues...

Malissa • Malissa

So I haven't talked to my dad since I was 15. Before that I hadnt talked to him in 11 years and that was because twice he chose his step sons over me. When I was 15 he chose his girlfriend over me and I said that I didnt like or trust her so he told me to go to hell and that I was nothing to him. Then he freaked out on my boyfriend at 17 because I refused to talk to him at my uncles. He recently added my boyfriend on Facebook and messaged him and we started fighting because he wouldn't apologize to my mother for the hell he put us through and told me to stay away from his family because he's mad I changed my last name and he said I mean nothing to him anymore and its really been bothering me because from what I knew I had 2 brothers by him and he said he only owes an apology to me , my brothers and my sister. So at this point I'm very confused. But now I think I'm pregnant and he's still trying to talk to me. I'd like a relationship with him ( a healthy relationship) but if I'm pregnant I don't know that I could ever trust him around my baby or kids in the future. Any advice on what to do?