Cut my loses?

Im giving my manager fake names*

So i work for a company for 3 years. I bust my ass day in and out. They call me in on my days off. I come in. They ask me to stay late and i do. They tell me to come in early im there.. so in my job they allow u to have nine call outs.. i check my call out every so often to make sure im not creeping up there. I normally will stop myself at 6. I call out once a month if that. Your call outs fall off every 6 months. So last month i looked at my attendance and i was sitting at 5 and i was ok. A couple of them fall off next month. Cool. Well yesterday i was called into the office and they fired me for my attendance.i didnt understand y. They said i had 13. I asked for a print out of my attendance and i had 13 call outs/late in i still didn’t understand how.. until i saw what they did.. see. I had hurt my back in September at work. And my manager kiara had told me to take off a couple days that she would fix my attendance. I said ok. I took those days off. Kiara had fixed like she said. Well managers zach yesterday went back to September and unauthorized those absences.. so i went from 5 to 9. Also the days i was comin in early i ended up having to cut because my store manager didnt want anybody having over time. So i was told to leave early or come in late. I did. So that was also counted against my attendance. But kiara had fix it because she knew what was happening.. zach had also unauthorized those and that gave me 13. I found it unfair that he did that so i wen to higher up n i spoke to sally. I explained to sally the situation and she looked at the paper and told me that she wasnt gonna fix it because zach had every right to do what he did. That it wasn’t anything personal. My husband is pissed and thinks i should go even higher and talk to hr about it. My thing is i dont wanna work for a company like that after how they did me. I rather just cut my losses and look else where. Am i wrong