Long stressful 2 days


My anxiety has been on and off for a few days due to my nephew (2 months) and my niece ( a year) being in the hospital. They both have a respiratory infection . My niece got to go home last night with treatment , my nephew was transported to a different hospital because it's dangerous because of his age. Today he gets to come home . Dhs is involved because of past issues with the other child. My brother and his gf had court today for the 2 month old to see if they are fit to keep him also due to addiction. They have been doing what they need to do to keep the babies with I'm glad. But my brother is such a pos I tryed finding his gf a ride home from the er but wasn't much I could do because I'm in a different state. So my brother was treating me like shit and threatening me so needless to say I blocked him. But all that stress has been making my anxiety horrible and I'm having some chest pains. I've spent most of my day on the phone trying to help them and then trying to see if my bfs insurance covered dental work which is doesn't . So he's frustrated due to that because we can't really afford anything else due to rent , car insurance , food and for health insurance we already pay 300$ and the coverage sucks. But I have free insurance because I'm not working , because I'm trying to get my anxiety and depression under control before I take on a job that way if while working I have an attack I know how to handle it without walking out.. I do get food stamps but as of now I get nothing cause of the shut down. I get 300$ in cash benefits so I pay for his health insurance since he does everything else.. but I offered to get a job so I can help more and he said no because then I'll just have to for all my stuff and apts and said it would be useless because it would only be paying for my stuff.. we are going to the food pantry so I grabbed ya each a plain rice cake for the ride there.. we are trying to eat healthy and all he had to say was I already had two today they aren't really healthy .. I was only trying to be kind so all this is just making my anxiety worse and my chest is hurting . ( i will not leave him due to a small argument so please don't say to leave ) just wanted time advice on how to try and relax and if there's anything I could do to try to help more 😞