Doctor isnt giving me a choice


I have had 1 vaginal and 1 c section. My c section was over 2 years ago. I'm pregnant with number 3, 32 weeks, and I have zero complications.

My ob says he is vbac supportive but then he told me I HAVE to have an induction at 39 weeks, I HAVE to have an epidural, and he WILL break my water because he wants to place the baby on internal monitors. I wont be able to move around and labor, squat, use the shower, walk around. I will be confined to the bed for the induction.

I wanted to go into labor on my own hopefully, or at least not get an induction until I was past due. I don't want to get it and force my body if its not favorable and ready

I wanted to hold off on the epidural until I felt like I needed it, or never got it at all. I dont want it to stall my labor(which he told me studies show it does not) but everything I've read says it will

I dont understand why the baby has to be placed on internal monitors, external one should get the job done, and if I labored naturally I wouldn't even be on the monitor. And breaking my water before my body is ready.

He says he is vbac supportive but I feel like hes setting me up for failure and a repeat c section.