Feeling overwhelmed..


Second time c section moms, how was your healing process? How long did it take to heal the second time around. I know everyone is different.. but I’m just feeling lonely and discouraged right now. Need a bit of encouragement or hope. I just had my csection yesterday morning & i finally get to go home tomorrow morning.. I miss my 1 year old so so much. I miss him climbing on me and needing me. Ive been so so happy with our new born he is perfect but I miss my other baby so much & when I go home I can’t let him climb on me or be wild on me for a while. My last csection wasn’t to to bad. Did take a few weeks but I would say I was a bit on the luckier side & healed quicker compared to other moms.. & this one is kind of feeling the same. Not to to bad. I hope I can heal super super fast & get back to normal for all 4 of my babies asap. I’ve been moving & cleaning my tiny room often.. not over doing it but I feel like enough to help as they say it’s suppose to.