financial security vs. mental sanity??? help ME!


I’m a second semester college student, I commute from home to campus and I’m fortunate that my parents are putting me through undergrad without any debt (thus far). I appreciate being able to have a home rather than a dorm, and having a debt free college experience... but god! If I had known how depressed I’d be, maybe I would’ve chosen another option.

I feel like I’m stuck between saving myself from debt by living at home yet becoming more depressed OR saving myself from the depression but working alongside being a full-time student to afford living in my own place. I hate to sound dramatic, but I just feel incredibly stuck. I do have diagnosed chronic depression and due to my father’s personal African traditions, he shuns me for wanting to be on anti-depressants (I was ignored for 2 months by him when I was on Zoloft a year ago when I absolutely needed to be medicated) so that ain’t going away

I JUST NEED SOMEONE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO🤕 should i stay here till i graduate and suffer but not have to work/be debt free? should i work and save up to move out and live with a roommate? should i get on anti-depressants again and get through this in secrecy? you tell me 💔