Update on baby.


I went to see my doctor to follow up after having discovered a hematoma as well as placenta privia on Wednesday. Not to mention being O- Rh- on top of that. Today the bleeding has stopped and have only had a little tiny bit of brown spotting which the Dr said was a good thing. He did another ultrasound and the baby's heart was still beating away at 158 bpm....Such a relief. At first he or she was sleeping but once the Dr started poking at it lol, it became quite active. He tried to get me a couple good pictures but honestly it's hard to tell what's going on in them lol. But doctor seemed confident that things were going as they should and believes my placenta will gradually move up on its own. That I need to take it easy for the next week at least just to insure that things heal properly. He didn't feel the need to schedule me for another follow up and told me he would see me at my gender scan on the 25th, unless of course something happens then to call and that they'd get me in there. But he said the baby is developing as it should. Saw the stomach and fluids and kidneys as well as movement. Baby didn't seem distressed so all positive signs. Just gotta take it easy and keep praying that we will make it through this. Thank you for everyone's support, and prayers.